Thursday 1 December 2011

My thoughts on remaking the 'Dexter' opening scene

  When remaking the 'Dexter' opening titles, I have realised that sometimes things that don't look to difficult, can have complications and faults. For example the opening sequence is manly all extreme or close up shots, which is not as easy to capture without a macro lens or a good quality camera lens. So I had to come further away from the image to insure the pictures were still in focus, which means the shot for shot remake is slightly different as you can see more background area. Also I had to shoot the whole remake myself as my team member was unable to attend the shot, this created a task it itself trying to position the shot, directer and also be the camera person which is very difficult to do all at the same time. It did teach me a valuable lesson though to be more organized at to have made sure my team member was able to attend. A positive to this was that It forced me to work by myself which helped me to gain more skills in each area. I'm pleased with the outcome of my final remake, I fell the titles could have been produced better with more time to make them look more like the original but I was not incharge of this, my team mate was. I would have just personally taken more time to make them look more like the original. I think the edititing looks effective I included many jump cuts and did not let each shot drag on for longer than needed.
  Overall I am pleased I produced this piece of work as I am know more propared for what to acspect when we come to recored and edit our final opening titles and sequence.

Here are 9 frames from my own 'Dexter' opening sequence :

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