Monday 27 February 2012

Opening Sequence "Infantcide" Rough Cut

After Effects

To the dream scene I'v added Zoom Blur and Vignette to make it look like the scene is though the main protagonists eyes, it also make the scene more interesting to the viewer. The Zoom Blur, make the scene look like it not real life and the viewer is not completely sure what's going on. 

Colour Correction

Using Final Cut and 3-way colour correction I was able to change what the scenes looked like creating a contrast between the dark and light areas and adding a blue tine over the top. This helps to build up atmosphere within the scene as it make it dark and more erie. 

Foley/ Soundtrack and Mix for our opening sequence.

Using Garage band I was able to find and create a soundtrack for our opening titles, as the images flash up on the screen I created a sound which would complement them and make it more dramatic to the audience. The soundtrack I'v created works well as it fits to the theme of our opening sequence, creating an intense opening. By loading the video into garage band I was able to make sure the sound fitted correctly into the timeframe I had allowed for it. By adding music it has created a layer of atmosphere on top of the movie and brings the opening to life. 

Re Shoot (Dream Scene)

This is what the new scene looks like know that we have integrated it with our original footage;

Thursday 2 February 2012

Changing and adding scenes to our opening sequence.

When shooting our opening thriller, our initial ideas changed and adapted to ideas that looked much better when capturing them. We took out the interview scene, and replaced it with a dream scene which helped to create a story and make the opening sequence understandable. Im glad we added the 'Dream' scene as it builds up this sense of mystery and atmosphere which a thriller needs to have, it also establishes to the audience that the main character (Detective) has issues and problems that haunt him.

Screen capture of the 'Dream' scene;